I wanted those of you that do not have Facebook to be able to see the fantasyland that I have been living in with my lovely Andy. :) It is truly one of the most beautiful places on Earth and I feel so lucky to call it home. I was also blessed to share it for a short time with an amazing and loving man that has enriched my life. I am forever changed by his presence in my life and know that something much bigger then all of us is building. For all of the memories and for all of the love, I am forever grateful.
Me when I first arrived in Fais
Cliffs where we can collect salt from during the winter months because the waves crash so high over them.
Sunset in Fais...this one is ok on the beautiful sunset gauge. Meaning every night they are magnificent!
Peichich beach where Andy gave me the ring he made me out of black pearl shell. He made a matching one for himself too. :)
Mesmerizing blue waters of Fais that seem to draw me in
Our kitty family!
My puppy Kodiak!
My host mom Teresa in Fais cooking octopus dinner!
A local house on an island called Eauripik
Nilla and Andy hanging out in Woleai
The ever popular dominoes!
Playing with Dr. Drew's blocks in Woleai!
Princess Nilla, me, and her baby sister. They are so beautiful!
The women in Woleai covering the young girls in turmeric
They are so beautiful!
This is at a party for the two older girls to celebrate womanhood. The celebration is 5 days of cooking and singing and having fun together. The best part of that boys are not allowed!
Me and some of my very favorite kids in Woleai!
Andy and I spent a lot of time on this porch in Woleai making things, playing cards, and trying to keep cool on the cement
Andy and I paddled out to a tiny island in the middle of the Woleai atoll. He did most of the paddling actually because I spent most of the time with my head in the water looking at the fish and coral. :)

I think this was one of my very favorite days with Andy
Andy taking a coconut break after snorkeling for hours
Me in my mwaremware's and turmeric ready for the feast!
Ester covering Andy in turmeric to honor him and make him feel pretty
My host sister Dotha, mom Bibianna, father Simion, and a friend
Andy in Woleai at a fair well feast that our family threw for us
Andy and our host father Saumar repairing a cast net.
My little friend FJ climbing the tree to get coconuts for us to drink
The gang that took Andy and I to jump off a 40 foot cliff!
Andy cutting coconuts for us to drink. I cut my thumb pretty bad so I was banned from using the machete for a little while.
Happy man about to jump off a 40 foot cliff!
The high jump!
Erwin (fellow teacher) and I playing freeze dance at our schools anniversary. I won!
Andy would catch the really pretty fish for me so that i could see them up close and touch them.
When I took this picture he said "this is definitely not a shot to show off me and my catch!"
Matilda (my very good teacher friend) and her daughter Driscol. It was Driscol's 5th birthday party and Andy and I were invited for cake!
Some of my little friends!
Tina looking at the garden of tapioca that Andy planted with our host father Saumar.
Beautiful high tide waves at Peichich beach